Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Tis the season to be stressed out, can't find a parking spot, tra-la-la-la

Well. Plenty 'o people are in town for Christmas but for some reason I'd expected more! because it is the holidays! Local businesses were clogged up if they offered apparel around the time of the school parties because of the social pressure to model a brand-new, never-before-seen outfit, down to the socks, at every party. Yours truly was busy; the curse of being a ruthless procrastinator. And several houses will be clogged up with useless knickernacks which they thanked the givers for insincerely, plotting the donation of the poor porcelain things to the tianguis next year, to be passed around to clutter more closets.

That is Christmas.

I am being a willing participant.

But why does everyone have to park right in front of my dad's photo gallery, Galeria On-ce?

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